Healthcare Professionals
The lack of qualified personnel is a major limiting factor for a well-functioning healthcare system. Responding to technical and financial challenges is only part of our problem solving. We are also able to provide well-trained and qualified personnel and bring them into the health care system, which makes it possible to work successfully. This benefits both the clinic / practice and the patients.

Competence means the aptitude/ability to recognize problems in order to solve them afterwards. This is not achieved by factual knowledge alone. For this, the will to cooperate, to work together in a team, is also essential. The human being is the center of attention, both as a patient and as a member of the team. We require a high level of social and scientific commitment.

The high time workload due to a multitude of tasks leaves hardly any time for one of the most important tasks and goals in medical work - the contact and communication with the patient. For us, however, this is the basis of medical work.

We support the employees we place by providing them with sufficient information about the country and region in which they will be working. We accompany them as long as they wish and as long as it seems helpful and are always available to advise, help and find solutions.

We analyze the field of activity and the environment for the employees to be placed and check in advance that the work to be done can be done, that the expectations of the employer and employee are met and that constructive teamwork is created.

We know the expectations of the employer and the employee and balance this through constant communication. Due to our long experience we are able to place the really suitable employees for every field of activity.

We check not only the certificates presented, but first and foremost the contents of the courses and training units completed, so that we are precisely informed about the suitability and qualifications of the personnel we place. Only in this way is it possible to achieve optimal staffing even in critical, responsible positions.