For Dieter Mahr, sustainability is a key element of the corporate culture. We respond early to new social and economic challenges and thus secure our long-term innovativeness and sustainable growth. A continuous and open dialogue ensures transparency and acceptance.
As an integrated consultancy and investment group, Dieter Mahr offers innovative solutions worldwide that secure sustainable success for our clients and make a positive contribution to global development. The basis for this is responsible corporate management geared to long-term value creation. In a constantly changing environment we continually develop our Company to ensure that we can deliver innovative solutions to the global challenges, both now and in the future.
Putting in place a management strategy that is both measurable, and implicitly related to wider organizational goals is a core challenge for the CIO and senior professionals of a hospital. Especially in the absence of profitability.
Dieter Mahr’s leading consulting skills in business alignment bridge this gap. Dieter Mahr offers a globally available portfolio of strategic consulting that focuses on the requirements of your organisation, then use this knowledge to build a logical, purposeful and measurable Strategic Communication Plan to underpin your management objectives.
Our consulting services ensure your goals are reflected and underpinned in our strategic solution for you.

Optimization of practice and organization in the hospital
The rapid progress in medical specialties resulting necessary changes in terms of treatments and diagnosis require permanent observations and assessments of research results, especially inter-medical-specialties. We can guarantee this through cooperation with specialists from different medical specialties.
Training/Education of medical doctors and medical staff
Nothing changes as fast as current medical research findings. Medical treatment of choice yesterday is already obsolete today. With the completion of the training, begins the constant learning and the desire to be up to date. Thus, a regular training of all employees including the doctors is essential. The selection of topics and the composition of the contents of a further training including the temporal coordination must be adapted to the respective requirements in order to optimize the success of such measures.
Worldwide Tele-radiology Network
In 1994, together with IT specialists, one of the first teleradiology systems was developed and used to supply radiology departments in hospitals. In the meantime, teleradiology systems exist worldwide that are even operated intercontinental. Countries in which medical care is still under construction can be provided with comprehensive teleradiological services, including hardware (digital x-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance tomography, ultrasound) and software in the form of a teleradiology system that complies with the legal requirements of data security. The training and further education of medical staff and doctors can also be carried out as a result.
Crisis management in the absence of profitability
It goes without saying that the productivity of a hospital or a practice must be constantly monitored and optimized. The same applies to the entire practice management and thus also to the profitability, whereby it is necessary to combine the medical interests and interests with the necessities of the enterprise management synergistically. This requires an analysis of the medical and administrative processes, including a cost-benefit analysis. Profit must never be the priority; but without profitability, a modern qualified medical care is not possible.
Years of Experience
Our services include gathering up-to-date data, up-to-date and prospective analysis, problem-solving suggestions, workflow optimization, profitability and meaningful innovation. Not only profitability will benefit from this, but also employees and above all patients will feel the positive effect. This, in turn, will enhance the 'practice image' externally, with a positive impact on profitability.
Dr. med. Dr. -Ing. Dieter Mahr GmbH
Radiology Centers -
Tele-radiology Networks

We have long experience with X-ray institutes as well as with major diagnostic radiology practices. We work with specialists from various specialties to be uptodate in all areas. We advise and accompany the planning and development of medical practices or a hospitals.
An ongoing medical operation requires constant controls and corrections that affect not only the efficiency, but also the quality of diagnoses and therapies, and in particular how to handle patients and guide patients. Optimizing all this is our job.
Scientific findings are constantly monitored so that necessary renewals are carried out in good time. In countries with insufficient infrastructure for medical care, there are opportunities to ensure high-level medical care throughout the country.
We are a team with experience and innovation. Our cooperation partners optimize our high standard. The most important thing: We work as a team and this includes our clients. This synergism ensures effectiveness, success and satisfaction.

"Dr.med.Mahr, sehr kompetenter und freundlicher Radiologe!
Die Geräte in dieser radiologischen Praxis sind auf dem letzten Stand der
Technik. Das von Dr.Mahr eingesetzte MRT Tesla3 lieferte gestochen scharfe
hochauflösende Bilder. Die Befundung / Befundbericht durch Dr.Mahr war sehr ausführlich und für mich eine große Entscheidungshilfe für mein weiteres
Ich kann diese Praxis nur empfehlen."
Bewertung vom 24.08.2016
"SUPER! Gehe seit einigen Jahren zum MRT in diese Praxis und kann nur Positives berichten.
Alle Mitarbeiter und Ärzte sind sehr freundlich. Die Aufnahmen werden anschließend ausführlich besprochen und sowohl in Papierform als auch auf CD mit gegeben. Darüber hinaus gibt es ein paar Tage später einen ausführlichen schriftlichen Befund.
In direkter Nähe befindet sich ein großes Parkhaus, so daß es diesbezüglich auch keine Probleme gibt. Die Räumlichkeiten sind behindertengerecht zu erreichen.
Ich kann diese Praxis nur weiterempfehlen."
Bewertung vom 22.03.2016
"erneuter Arztbesuch im Radiologiezentrum am Hundertwasserhaus; Kernspinpraxis
* eine Bewertung, sei sie gut oder schlecht, ist immer subjektiv. Jedoch kann ich, da ich nun mehrmals die Praxis, zu unterschiedlichen Untersuchungen, aufsuchen mußte, nur hervorragendes über das, wohl gemerkt, über das kpl. Team, sagen. Freundlich, unterstützend, erklärend, hilfsbereit, einfach für den
Patienten da sein. Die gesamte " Einheit " einfach toll."
Bewertung vom 04.08.2014
Our Address
Dr. med. Dr. -Ing. Dieter Mahr GmbH
Spaces Tower One
Brüsseler Straße 1-3
60527 Frankfurt am Main . Germany
Opening Hours
Monday – Thursday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Friday 9:00 am – 1:30 pm
Tel.: +49 6151 4934040
Fax: +49 6151 4934044